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[udig-devel] Groovy

Glad to hear we are not breaking too many of the Groovy rules with our extensions. I agree the object model is the core to providing a useful scripting base the difficulty is defining it to give best support to the user community or for that matter defining the user community.
As to Java 5 support our version of Groovy does have some support, again requirements driven so incomplete but the intention is to complete after release 1. I did see a Jython project, I think from the LSE, working on 5 support but have not heard of any further work.
I have requested permission to release sections of the work streams into the public domain and expect this to be granted, in any event, work done on uDig Groovy etc. will be returned to their projects. If you would like a preview of our work you may like to look at the research base:
For the data stream manager
Stanford Stream Data Manager
and last but not least
The PIPES stream processing project at  this  is a pure java implementation of a publish subscribe architecture stream processing engine which we implemented as a plug-in under the uDig catalogue for use in demonstrations, proof of concepts, where an integration bus would be inappropriate, the associated XXL library was used together with JTS in the spatialization of the DSMS, integration bus and Derby. We had a similar approach to D Blasby's work in the spatialization of the DSMS and integration bus and follow the SFS and OGC standards in all our spatial work, and would agree with your thinking on this. All of the above projects have a GUI approach to query generation and scripting, some of the demos will give an insight into our scientific workflows and traffic workstreams.
For the Integration Bus:
SEDA is the basis of the architecture and the architectural patterns use can be found on on top of these we have implemented management systems for e-gif (the UK governments interchange format) and data protection, privacy, freedom of information acts (important in location information) and evidential (chains of custody etc). for use in enforcement, the main integration mechanism is the picocontainer, the systems is rules driven using Drools or iLog.
A more general approach is available at which follows the SEDA architecture in a more relaxed way and has many more integration mechanisms including Groovy which may be of interest.
Tony Kennedy

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