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[udig-devel] mailing lists (and how to "start")

Matthias Basler wrote:

Dear Jody,

My name is Matthias Basler, and I am a finishing student at the Friedrich Schiller university in Jena, Germany. Since I have worked on the topic "desktop Gis+GeoImage processing with Java" myself for over a year now, but would not like to reinvent the wheel, I am trying to get a grip on existing projects.
Hi Matthias:

Well met - the udig project is in the process of getting off the ground. We have our first 1.0 release at the end of March.

Since I am strongly interested in uDig I would like to get news about uDig development. I know I could subscribe the udig-devel mailing list, but I would like to know first, if there maybe exists a low-traffic mailing list for main topics, releases and/or communication with end users. It's simply so that I
want to be in contact with uDig, but not get dozens of highly specific messages each day that I maybe wouldn't understand and wouldn't currently have time to read anyway.
I would recommend subscribing the to "News" RRS feed from the new wiki.
We are in the process of moving to a new website in time for our 1.0 release, so you may have to switch RRS feed location at some point over the next couple weeks.

Second question: What document(s) would you suggest for a newbie (concering uDig) to read in order to get acquainted with the design and underlying main architecture of uDig(and GeoTools/Jump)? Currently I have only some insight in
GeoTools. (I have worked with the coordinate transformation(EPSG) classes a bit.)
Right now the wiki is the best source of information on the design/architecture. During this last month we are locking down APIs and documenting them - the first document will go out about the catalog API next week.

But I am pretty sure you wanted some links so you did not have to figure out that website...

Okay start here:
(We have cleaned up the APIs a bit since this time - but it does show everything.)

Programmers guide for extending udig:

To set up the eclipse IDE for working on udig:
- -- what you need to setup for

The wiki is very good about having links to external documentation and reference material
as required.

P.S. I read a comment about Eclipse in the Wiki. Is the GUI architecture (windows, toolbars and such) of uDig based on Eclipse?
Yes it is an eclipse Rich Client Platform application. Eclipse makes use of a micro kernal rather than a Application Framework. The difference is that uDig is composed of plugins rather a customized framework.

Why would we care - so you can only include as much uDig as needed for your application. If you don't need printing on a application for community planning you don't need to include it.

The other reason to care is that Eclipse provides a plugin development environment (and user interface guidelines etc...) that is far more complete then anything we could have accomplished in such a short time. So just like we use the best of breed Java GIS toolkits (JTS, GeoTools, GeoAPI) we made use of the best framework we could find.


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