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[udig-devel] State of the build

Well after a couple interruptions I have a working build again.

Review of steps:
1) checkout (either subclispe of command line)
2) clean libs
3) update libs classpath
4) update all classpaths

This has left me with the following broken plugin as broken:
- *.catalog.arcgrid - waiting on wizard fixes
- *.catalog.arcsde - waiting on wizard fixes
- *.catalog.decorator - justin is fixing this now
- *.catalog.mysql - waiting on wizard fixes
- *.catalog.worldimage - waiting on wizard fixes
- *.resources.test
- *.projects.test

And the following broken other stuff:
- SchemaCodeGenerator - for magic GML hacking
- CT-ebRIM - probably experiment in to ebRIM catalog profile
- deploy - scripts for the udig one click installer

The easiest way to get a running udig:
1 close the projects that are broken
2 choose Run...
3 create a new EclipseApplication and give it a name like "Go"
4 Main
- check: clear workspace data before launching
- check: ask for confirmation before clearing
- run a Product: "net.refractions.udig.ui.products"
5. Plug-ins
- choose plugins and gragments to launch from the list
- check workspace plugins
- scroll down and uncheck "External Plugin-ins
- click on Add required Plug-ins
6. Configuration
- check Use default location
- check clear the configuration area before launching
- Use an exising config.ini file as a template
- Select the config.ini from the "uDig Core" plugin
(on my box this was C:\java\trunk\features\uDigCore\config.files\configuration\config.ini)

(If you did not close the project that had errors you will need to hit "yes" and run despite errors)

This gives you a run that is as close as possible to what end users will see during a udig release.

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