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[udig-devel] EPSG combo box ( & UDIG Mailing list)

Piero Cavalieri wrote:

... I wote two times on the Udig m.l.
In both case I didn't find my post (and In the first case the post was rejected). Maybe I forgot something when I subscribe to the m.l. ?

I run into problems when I email from home (occasionally I send it using a different email address then I signed up with).

Howhever the questions was:

1)The EPSG  combo box is editable ? If not why ?

It is editable, you can type in a code (if you know one), or choose from the list.

It seems that in the combo box are missing al lot of EPSG codes
(for example codes normally used in north Italy: 26591 and  32632) and
I think it's better to insert manually a number,  instead of choosing
from a very long  list. Or  not ?

Could you send us WKT for those two codes, we would be happy to share them with Geotools (which is where we get our EPSG codes from), so far we have grabbed the EPSG codes from PostGIS and from suggestions like yours. I seem to recall a lot of codes for Cubeworks have been added.

I am also thinking of checking file for EPSG codes in either the application directory, or the users home directory. Not for some sources of information (Postgis, ArcSDE and shapefile) already know their projection.

2)In the Projects view, if I right click on a exisiting project, the menu let me open another project.

I think the logic should that: right click on a Project => new Map; then right click on Layers => import a layer (not open Project).

Also, right click on the Map name, I have "Open Project", but for me it would be more intuitive to have only "Open" (but renamed something like view/edit) and Delete.

I have gotten a couple of suggestions along these lines, most want to double click to "Open" a map. You are correct that the context sensitive (right click) menu needs to be a bit more sensitive to what is clicked on. I think this is covered by our recent usability review (

Here is a quote from the check list:
"Context menu should have a fixed set of commands by selection type, enabled or disabled based on the selection state."

Thanks for the feedback, Jody

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