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[udig-devel] Nice M4 Summary

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... for Eclipse in general:

* New preferences dialog and filtering. Some options were shifted around different styles are still being experimented with so this is a work in progress.
* Debug Ant scripts, including single stepping and breakpoints.
* Nearly complete J2SE5 support.
* Navigate from property keys to their references.
* User-defined logical structures. This lets you easily control what you see in the variables view when debugging.
* Multiple consoles.

And here are some of the changes of special interest to RCP and plug-in developers:

* Finally, a built-in SWT spinner widget.
* RCP delta pack containing all the OS-specific fragments of the RCP plug-ins.
* Support for File > New menus and toolbar buttons.
* New API for managing and listing perspectives.
* Easier startup can bypass eclipse.exe (java -jar startup.jar).
* Flat listing of plug-in dependencies
* Mark extension point attributes as translatable and deprecated. No more guessing which ones you’re supposed to use in the Manifest editor.
* Support enabled for update site mirrors.

So we can now revisit several issues with an chance for progress: New API tool bar button and Perspectives Reset.


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