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Re: [udig-devel] uDig 0.6 problems with JAI in Windows 2000

Alvaro Zabala wrote:

I have just download udig 0.6.
(and all needed files: jai, jai imaging io, eclipse rcp, jdk 1.5).
Question: Udig is a client application - should we be using a JRE? I know we do so on windows .. and the Download page links to a JRE. Hmm....

When I run uDig, I get this message:

Warning: Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is not installed.
This page may also help:

After that, uDIG never runs.

I installed JAI in JDK 1.5 libs directory (jre/lib/ext/).

Is this a windows problem?
Are you on windows? If so the problem is the JDK, please install the JRE downloads for JAI and ImageIO as outline here:
Based on your forward slash characters I thought you were on linux? If you can reply either way I can be of further assistence.

How can I set classpath with uDIG executable (.exe)?

Unfortantly a classpath won't do us any good, eclipse taks complete control of classloaders. The magic is in the config.ini file - we have made it use a -bootclass path entry so that JAI is recognized. There are other options, including a classpath one. But I don't think this is what you want....

Can you please ensure you are working with the JRE? The JRE is usually installed in C:\Program Files\Java\Java5.0.0_1. See:

As you can tell we are working towards better instructions ... any feedback is very much appricated.

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