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Re: [udig-devel] UDIG 0.6 available for download

Minor correct here - please download version 0.6 ... <

Here are some of the fun details:

Alpha Software Alert

UDIG is still at an alpha stage of development, we have focused on the capabilities of the system. For user interface enhancements please look forward to UDIG 0.8 onwards - see the Schedule for more information.


We are however making great progress, we have closed 42 issues in the task tracker and are well on our way towards Milestone 3. We have met our targets for this release, here are some of the features you can look forward to.

Features: Reprojection
Style View
Search View
Catalog saved between runs
Project Load & Save, you can now share with others!
Edit complete with transaction support
Page editor
ESPG Dialog Jody

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