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[udig-devel] How does uDig detect java?

When starting up uDig 0.3 I get a JAI not found.  Which is nice, but I
have plenty of JRE's with JAI and ImageIO.  I keep at least one without
it to test that GeoServer doesn't fall over if it isn't there, and
would like to keep it that way.  But uDig seems to be choosing my JRE
that doesn't have it installed.  How can I change which version it
looks for?  It seems to ignore my JAVA_HOME column - is it using the
registry or something?  Or am I just doing something silly?

Oh yeah, I'm on windows xp.  And uDig works on Java 1.4, right?  You may
want to put that in the quickstart guide, as it implicitly seems to say
that you need 1.5 with windows or linux.



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