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[udig-devel] OOPSLA Poster / Abstract

Hi Everyone:

I am working on putting together an Abstract for OOPSLA (

Here is my first cut:

The User Friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) is an open-source project extending Rich Client Platform into the GIS domain. The application is a Desktop GIS with access to commercial and standards based spatial information. The framework supports the use of ISO/OGC Open Web Services. In collaboration with leading open-source GIS projects this framework will extend Eclipse with the best of breed GIS solutions.

What I would like to communicate is this:
- Eclipse RCP extension for GIS
- Actual working application similar to ArcView (about the only thing general audience will have heard of) - Provides support for standards (ISO they will recognize, OGC they won't - OWS they won't care) - Working with existing open source Java projects (rather than reinventing the wheel)

If anyone has any suggestions, or information they would like to see covered please let me know.

For Reference: I expect this crowd to be enthusiastic about eclipse, only care that they can grab plug-ins from the project for mapping (so Framework gets top billing over application). If they want to talk standards, or open source we can do that too.

(This is different from the usual GIS crowd which wants: their data on screen and a client for a OGC workflow.)

Jody Garnett

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