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[tycho-user] Some difficulties with tycho pomConsider, maven-dependency-plugin


I have some difficulties to configure correctly a tycho project.

a) First step, compilation with two type of repository 

I have source code which need dependency from maven and p2 repository. 
The maven dependencies exposed by pom.xml are osgi bundle which contain each a Manifest.Mf with lot of transitive dependencies.

For example : 

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1484832642776
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_101
Built-By: reyman
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: genstar-core
Bundle-SymbolicName: genstar-core
Bundle-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Export-Package: core.configuration;version="1.0.0";uses:="com.thoughtw
Import-Package: com.thoughtworks.xstream;version="[1.4,2)",com.thought
Tool: Bnd-

I use the pomConsider option to do that, so tycho correctly catch the dependencies from p2 and pom.xml. 

I have two project folder linked by parent pom.xml

- "my-maven-dep"  only bundle the maven dependencies
-  "my-eclipse-plugin" contain the source code which need "my-maven-dep" and p2 dependencies defined in Manifest.MF 

b) But because it's never a good idea to create a Uber-Jar which contain all compile and runtime jar dependencies needed for execution of this eclipse-plugin, i try to use the maven-bundle-plugin with Conditional-Package to catch all transitive dependencies...

But i don't know how can i create a "eclipse-plugin"  and a "bundle" in the same time ?   

Best R.

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