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Re: [tycho-user] Eclipse config.ini file lecture problem with Tycho surefire in maven



Your statement about the Scout Warning „bundle order prefixes are neither defined in config.ini nor as a system property“ is correct.


When your product is built (as exe, zip or war) you can probably have a look at the config.ini file to check if it looks like what the one you have defined or if it was generated by Tycho. If you assumption is correct you will have the generated config.ini file instead of your file.


The GUI in the product editor let you think that you can:

·         Generate a default config.ini file

·         Use an existing config.file.


See also this thread on the tycho-user mailing list (it contains a screenshot of the editor):


I never managed to understand how it works (or should work).


I also tried it in a PDE-only situation (without tycho) and post my findings here:


The workaround we are using is to copy the existing config.ini file during the package phase (using maven-resources-plugin).
Here an example:
Another possibility is to define that you want to copy the config.ini file in the assembly.xml. The result is pretty much the same (and it is still a workaround).
I hope it helps.


From: tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Betty
Sent: Freitag, 22. August 2014 16:56
To: tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tycho-user] Eclipse config.ini file lecture problem with Tycho surefire in maven


Hello Tycho community

I'm having problems trying to test the client side of my eclipse scout project. It has basically the same test structure that in the Autotest project: I've already went through a lot of projects and documentation but don't hesitate to recommend any sources.

The error I get is:

WARNING org.eclipse.scout.commons.serialization.SerializationUtility.getBundleOrderPrefixes( bundle order prefixes are neither defined in config.ini nor as a system property. Using default value: org.eclipse.scout.commons.serialization.bundleOrderPrefixes=org.eclipse.scout

I believe this error means that the product in the eclipse plugin 'my.project.client.test' cannot find the line "org.eclipse.scout.commons.serialization.bundleOrderPrefixes=org.eclipse.scout," in its corresponding config.ini file. Nevertheless the config.ini file has this property.

If I run the this product in eclipse, this works fine, but when I run the maven build, it simply doesn't read the config.ini This makes my maven build crash.

The problem is that tycho surefire is generating a config.ini and I don’t know what does it contain since the target/work directory is created and destroyed in every build. I can see that when the test phase is executed the directory target/work is generated and it seems that there is a config.ini but I'm not sure if this is the config.ini file that the plugin should use.

I've even tried to copy the config.ini in the test phase to the target/work directory but it didn’t work.

I've changed the product configuration in eclipse to generate the config.ini with the parameters that I wanted and I had the same problem as in maven. So this means that generating is not working and since tycho doesn’t read the file I simply don't know what to do...  is there any workaround?

Well thanks in advance..

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