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Re: [tycho-user] Build a product from features


thanks for your immediate answer.

> [...]
> So to solve this problem, you need to specify a search scope smaller
> than "all artifacts in a Maven repository". This can for example be
> done through POM dependencies, or via p2 repositories.

Couldn't this be done using the feature definitions?

> In your case, the latter is what you probably want: Build p2
> repositories in both project A and B, and add them to the target
> platform of project C. If you have your own Nexus for exchanging binary
> artifacts, you probably want Tycho's nexus-unzip-plugin [2] to easily
> reference deployed p2 repositories.

I thought the nexus-unzip-plugin wasn't released yet. Is it safe enough to already use it? If yes I should give it a try.


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