Stéphane, I was about to reply that I know about Execution Environments and already checked the plugin to make sure it specified one and months ago went through all the projects and set them up to use EE. Then I thought, this is a somewhat "rogue" plugin that I've never looked at in detail, so let me check…
Sure enough, you are correct, this project had "workspace default" selected for its JRE System Library. I had only looked at the B-REE in the manifest, not in the project's build path.
Thanks – now the warning shows up in the IDE and, hopefully, the team won't make the same mistake again.
On 11/28/12 11:29 AM, "Stéphane Bouchet" wrote:
this may be related to how is configured the project's JRE.
If you want eclipse to warn you about using com.sun.* internal package, do not set the "JRE system library" to a specific jre ( in your cas, sun jre ) but to an Execution environment ( JavaSE-1.6). this is the way tycho does, and why it is complaining and not eclipse.
to do so, right click on the project > properties > Java build Path > librairies. you can see the current JRE used in the "[]" near "JRE System library". click on edit, then select the first option, then an execution environment.
for more informations :