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[tycho-user] tycho-p2-director-plugin:0.15.0:materialize-products Product id '...' not found

I'm getting this error

Failed to execute goal
(materialize-products) on project XXX: Product id 'YYY.product' not

This seems to be happening indeterminately.

Looking at the tycho code, it is failing because there is no
target/product/<id>.product directory being created for me when I
specify a configuration/products/product/id field, which I need if I
want to set rootFolder.


My YYY.product file lives in the top level project directory, which
seems to be allowed as per the demo projects.

I haven't had enough time to investigate why this works sometimes but
not others.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
(I'm always running mvn clean before each run to check, and the
eclipse-repository packaging type seems to blow away the target
directory anyway)

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