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Re: [tycho-user] Deploy p2 repo with maven (and only maven)

Hi Mickael,

I tried with the deploy phase, but the maven-deploy-plugin:2.5:deploy (a.k.a deploy:deploy) goal is executed, so it means maven will try to upload the produced artifact (the zipped p2 repo) and it doesn't fit my need since I want to upload the "exploded" p2 repo.

On your remark, I don't face the same complexity you face at JBoss, so I must miss the point, but ...

... if you variabilize the right properties on your build section of your pom, then create one profile for each build conf which will points to the appropriate filter property file. ( at the bottom of the page).

So then, you just need to maintain some property files. At least it should do the trick for some "conventional" stuff.

The aim of all that is not reinventing the wheel, but to depend on the least amount of tools.



2012/7/13 Mickael Istria <mistria@xxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Xavier,

On 07/13/2012 01:05 PM, Xavier Seignard wrote:
But I'm unhappy with the fact I bind the p2 upload to the install phase rather than the deploy one.
Don't it work if you specify "deploy" as phase instead of "install" in your wagon-plugin configuration? I think "deploy" phase is emply for Tycho lifecycles, so nothing else would happen except your wagon stuff.

On a side note, I discourage you from publishing p2 repo directly in Maven. It quickly become annoying to maintain mapping between code/branch/expected repo URL when you work on multiple branches at the same time. Trying to publish p2 repo as part of the build generally introduces lots of effort in maintenance when dealing with several versions at the same time.
I find it more comfortable to deal with publication in an external step, such as a manual upload, or a Bash step in the Jenkins job.

My 2c.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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