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Re: [tycho-user] Releasing builds


In projects I work on (JBoss Tools, Nebula, GMF), most of the releasing is done manually or through 3rd-party scripts. We find it more convenient to use Maven just to produce the binary bits, and make the releasing process managed independently of Maven since it is implies a lot of complex and diverse steps. I find easier and more extensible to manage a release as a TODO-list rather than maintaining stuff in the pom.xml.
I had bad experiences with maven-release-plugin in the past, and found having a well-documented release process less irritating than using the maven-release-plugin.
For release builds, -SNAPSHOT and .qualifier are kept since is it working well in OSGi. On some of these projects, we just set up specific qualifiers (x.y.z.<TIMESTAMP>-<versionName>) to make it clearer for consumers that this is a release. Tycho allows to specify qualifiers.
As for incrementing the version of bundles, this is the annoying part and is done manually. But since you may have different version change for your bundles (depending on your changes and OSGi good practices), I never found it helpful to automate this version change. The Eclipse PDE API tool is probably more helpful than Maven to help you maintaining good versioning.


On 04/16/2012 10:23 PM, Craig Foote wrote:
How are you dealing with the release of your tycho builds? We're using the maven-release-plugin_2.2.1 and a custom ant script to handle the tagging and pom changes but I'm wondering if there's a better way. I understand tycho doesn't deal with releases because "it would require assumptions about a project's SCM" but if it could be supported under a convention, wouldn't most follow that convention? Unless that couldn't be done...


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Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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