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[tycho-user] Custom Qualifier Format in Product Export

Hello everybody,

currently, I successfully build and export my Eclipse RCP, Eclipse
RAP, and Equinox-based applications using Tycho and appropriate
product- and reactor-projects. Now, I wonder what is the best way to
specify a custom format for the build qualifier used in the resulting
product ZIP-archives. I would like the final archive's file name look
like this:

${product-id}_${unqualifiedVersion}.[Milestone Identifier]_[Custom
Build Qualifier]

whereas [Milestone Identifier] should be specified from outside as a
Maven Property and is for example "M2", "M3", etc. and [Custom Build
Qualifier] should look like this:

v[Build Date]-[Build Time], e.g. v20120418-1800

I already tried to use this in my product-project's pom.xml, but it
doesn't help:


Do you have any hints how to achieve my goal?

Thank you very much for any help.

Best regards

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