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Re: [tycho-user] strange tycho errors

On 11-12-13 11:58 AM, Alex Blewitt wrote:
On 13 Dec 2011, at 16:44, Igor Fedorenko wrote:

On 11-12-13 11:31 AM, Alex Blewitt wrote: was never meant to be a mirror
of external. It was a mistake for it to start serving artefacts
outside of published Eclipse code. There is a mirror of external, and
other dependencies which may be useful, at  which can be used to speed up
build times on the hudson build farm, but it is not mandated.

I am sorry, but this is simply not true. Tycho jobs at are forced to use We did not
choose to "speed up" our builds, it is being forced on us

Please remove mirrorOf from hudson user settings.xml as it was suggested in

I don't have access to the hudson build server in any way; I don't know where this build file is coming from. However, you're right in that the build doesn't let -SNAPSHOT dependencies through which needs to be resolved. Do we have a bug for that?

that -SNAPSHOT is supposed to come from a repository configured in my
project parent pom.xml. I do not expect you to be able to proxy and
group all dependencies of all projects. Such group would be very hard to
manage given the number and diversity of projects @eclipse. Also, group
repositories have nasty property of exposing builds to dependencies they
are not supposed to "see". This can be very bad for build reproducibility.

Re: the settings file, perhaps we should have a separate bug for that as well, rather than in a comment on a related bug?



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