> How do you run tests from Eclipse, as JUnit Test or JUnit Plug-In Test?
I am running them as JUnit Test.
As a test i tried to run the tests as JUnit Plug-In Test and this failed with the same error.
So, this doesn't seem to be a Tycho problem.
> for the next tycho release 0.14.0 release we have ported tycho-surefire to use surefire 2.10 [1]
I know (i checked the source and also the snapshot repository).
I did build with the most recent snapshot build (0.14.0-SNAPSHOT) and the problem persists.
I think this confirms it isn't a Tycho problem.
Thank you for the prompt reply!
> From: jan.sievers@xxxxxxx
> To: tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 13:56:31 +0100
> Subject: Re: [tycho-user] MockitoException with Maven but not with Eclipse
> tycho is currently still using surefire 2.4.3
> for the next tycho release 0.14.0 release we have ported tycho-surefire to use surefire 2.10 [1]
> Regards
> Jan
> [1] https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=353222
> From: tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Davy Meers
> Sent: Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2011 13:48
> To: tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [tycho-user] MockitoException with Maven but not with Eclipse
> Hello,
> i am experiencing strange behavior when using mockito 1.8.5 in my unit tests.
> I can run my tests from within eclipse without any problems but when the test are run while building with tycho the tests fail with a MockitoException.
> I think i am experiencing the problem described in [1]. This seems to be a class loading problem with surefire and should be solved in the Maven Surefire plugin - Version 2.7.1 [2] .
> But i am experiencing the described behavior even using Tycho 0.14.0-SNAPSHOT and if i am not mistaken the version of the Maven Surefire plugin used in Tycho - version 0.14.0-SNAPSHOT is 0.10.0.
> This leaves me a bit puzzled and stuck:
> i cannot find any other information and have no idea what i can check or do to solve this problem.
> I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
> Regards,
> Davy meers
> [1] http://groups.google.com/group/mockito/browse_thread/thread/5d500f386ea5e609
> [2] http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-673
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