Yes. The P2 repository way seems to be the best one to solve this.
On another note, while defining repositories we often use the scpexe: prefix to use the ssh extension of maven. When doing this in a Tycho project I get errors (MalformedURLException). When looking at the code I notice that it does a uri = new URL(….) before verifying that it is a P2 repository, which this was not. It would of course be nice to be able to use the SSH wagon even for p2's.
Cheers, -- Gunnar
On Nov 16, 2011, at 13:39 , Oberlies, Tobias wrote: Only if you define your Tycho target platform through a target file [1], you can get the same target platform in Eclipse. If you need the other mechanisms (in particular pomDependencies consider), you can first create a p2 repository from the POM dependencies, and reference that p2 repository from your main project. Regards Tobias [1] Message-----
From: tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-
bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gunnar Bråding
Sent: Mittwoch, 2. November 2011 18:06
To: Tycho user list
Subject: Re: [tycho-user] Eclipse and Tycho dependencies
I appreciate the complexity of it all. I am trying to get the full grasp
of it all, and therefore extremely grateful for your explanations.
They help me tremendously.
My situation is that there are bundles and plugins that are not
necessarily part of one target, but many targets. I want to be able to
work on them without having to open up all the dependencies in Eclipse,
and I want them to be able to resolve them through the "consider" feature,
allowing them to be just installed in my local maven cache, and not
Can that be done through targets? I haven't understood it that way before,
but I might very well be missing something here.
-- Gunnar
On Nov 1, 2011, at 15:30 , Dahanne, Anthony wrote:
Hi Gunnar,
Thing is, bundle resolution can be a bit more complex than manually
adding jars to the classpath : an import package can be satisfied by
multiple bundles, in multiple versions, etc... this is OSGi bundles we're
talking about and as far as I know, PDE (which understands target
definitions) is the only tool in Eclipse that resolves the correct
classpath for Equinox based projects.
I recently asked whether or not m2e would be able to replace PDE in
Eclipse IDE, and Igor answered that he tried but decided to stop the
Dealing with target definitions, both understood by Eclipse IDE and
Tycho is not that much of an effort (as long as your dependencies are
exported via p2 repositories), and I don't think it is clumsy at all.
[1] :
De : tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-
bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Gunnar Bråding
Envoyé : 1 novembre 2011 07:41
À : Tycho user list
Objet : Re: [tycho-user] Eclipse and Tycho dependencies
Thanks for your reply!
That could be the way to do it, but it seems like a harder way than to
just add the paths to the IDE, since they are known by maven anyway.
For a full build I would agree, but when having separate modules used by
multiple builds, it gets clumsier.
For a vanilla maven project it would work, just by adding the referenced
library path, so why wouldn't that be easy in this case too.
I am just trying to understand it, since this does not feel like the
maven way. Mavens strength is to help out with dependencies, and suddenly
m2e does not use the information that actually is there for the build-
-- Gunnar
On Oct 28, 2011, at 19:39 , Dahanne, Anthony wrote:
You should rather use .target definitions
Once you set up a proper target platform definition, your eclipse
workspace will be able to compile, and also, you can tell tycho to use
this target definition
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De : tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-
bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Gunnar Bråding
Envoyé : 28 octobre 2011 05:20
À : tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Objet : Re: [tycho-user] Eclipse and Tycho dependencies
Ah. Ok.
Currently I am manually adding the repository jars to my build-path,
just to be able to get Eclipse to resolve source references correctly.
This only leaves me with one error; The one about the bundle not being
Would it be possible to automate such a process, just to help the
developer out?
-- Gunnar
On 11-10-27 10:36 AM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
This is not currently supported. PDE does not have extension points that
would allow m2e-tycho participate in project dependency resolution. And
even if PDE did have such extension points, running Tycho dependency
resolver inside Eclipse is far from trivial.
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