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Re: [tycho-user] tycho and root.folder

>BTW, I just found out that if my feature id (in feature.xml) does not match my artifact id (in pom.xml) then, the root advices are not picked up...
>Funny thing since it is the first time that it causes me trouble :-/

you have run into


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De : tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Sievers, Jan
Envoyé : 4 juillet 2011 06:04
À : Tycho user list
Objet : Re: [tycho-user] tycho and root.folder

root.folder key notation is not supported [1] as you can always find an equivalent root notation without .folder.

in your example, using


should do the job.

BTW you don't need to add root/ to bin.includes. 
This will additionally add the root content to your features/my.feature/ folder which is probably not what you intended.



-----Original Message-----
From: tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tycho-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dahanne, Anthony
Sent: Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2011 16:16
To: tycho-user@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tycho-user] tycho and root.folder

Hello everyone,
Trying to copy some content (a broker configuration) from my feature to
my osgi.instance.area , I've been doing the following, in my feature :


and, in my :

bin.includes = feature.xml,\

but when I mvn clean install, I have the following error, when Tycho
tries to build the feature :

Execution default-p2-metadata of goal
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-p2-plugin:0.12.0:p2-metadata failed:
root.folder.<subfolder> and root.<config>.folder.<subfolder> are not yet
supported in -> [Help 1]

The expected result is to find in my product :


I tried to find an associated bug in but
could not find any...
I found the following bug in jira but it should be fixed...

Is there a known workaround ? I know it works in PDE, since I got it
working for features built by PDE...

Thank you very much in advance !

Anthony Dahanne
Software Developer
Compuware Montreal
75 Rue Queen, Suite 6500
Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 2N6

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