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  • [tycho-dev] Modifying dependency resolution for p2 director plugin, Hubbard, Jonathan R.
  • [tycho-dev] Override Equinox implementation?, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] How does tycho materialize an eclipse-repository, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] dropping branching with gerrit, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] please test stages tycho and tycho-extras build 0.15.0, Igor Fedorenko
  • [tycho-dev] tycho-compiler-plugin - working with outputjars doesn't compile to, Juan Alonso
  • [tycho-dev] 0.15.0, Sievers, Jan
  • [tycho-dev] Customizing qualifier?, Anna Dushistova
  • [tycho-dev] java.lang.ClassCastException: TargetPlatformBuilderImpl cannot be cast to P2TargetPlatform, Mickael Istria
  • [tycho-dev] gerrit, Igor Fedorenko
  • Re: [tycho-dev] Build failed in Hudson: tycho-its-win-nightly #217, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] Getting .qualifier working in tycho, Tom Schindl
  • [tycho-dev] performance numbers on tycho 0.15 + Bug 373806, Max Rydahl Andersen
  • [tycho-dev] FW: Gerrit review process, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] Enhancement to set version plugin for eclipse repository packaging, Jason Pell
  • [tycho-dev] gerrit voter job, Sievers, Jan
  • [tycho-dev] Schedule Release 0.15.0 with Juno M7, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] tycho-p2-repository-plugin: file name of zipped repo (Bug 347416), Michael Pellaton
  • [tycho-dev] Gerrit by-pass still possible, Oberlies, Tobias
  • [tycho-dev] Tycho repository update problem, Jeff MAURY
  • [tycho-dev] moving demo projects to a separate git repository, Igor Fedorenko

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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