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Re: [tycho-dev] Generate a.jre.javase into content.xml

>Thanks for the info. I think the correct solution would be how PDE
>validates the Target-Platform. It allows to set a EE and knows exactly
>the information.
>It simply has to generate the correct IU for and pass it on to the
>IPlanner which would then resolve thing appropriately.
>I've pinged and
>will try to come up with a patch for M6.

I see, I didn't pay full attention while reading your first post.
This would solve the problem for the "use target file in IDE" scenario.

Just for the record, there is also the install/update usecase which will still not work if you haven't configured any p2 repo that provides the bogus "a.jre.*" IUs.
For that matter, the eclipse release train repos do have such IUs for hardcoded JavaSE-1.6.
But as soon as e.g. a bundle requires a package included in JavaSE-1.7 only, this will break.


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