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Re: [triquetrum-dev] Triquetrum development Oomph setup


On 26 March 2017 at 12:56, Erwin De Ley <> wrote:

Dear Triquetrum enthusiasts,


I’ve been learning about Oomph and tried it out to define a Triquetrum development setup.


For those unfamiliar with Oomph : this can get you a new Eclipse IDE installation including some extra plugins, preferences, … and a ready-for-usage Triquetrum workspace using the Eclipse Installer. Added benefits : bundle pooling, automated synchronization of centrally managed setup updates etc.


More info :



So feel free to try things out and let me know what can still be corrected/improved/added!


Once we’re OK with the state of setup-affairs, I’ll request to get it added to the standard list of Eclipse GitHub project setups in the Eclipse Installer.




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