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Re: [triquetrum-dev] FindBugs

Hi Christopher,

I agree that we should follow all kinds of good practices, and FindBugs probably has a valid set of them in its default rules.

But... for the ErrorCode naming I'm a bit afraid to end up with many long names for each extension of the base ErrorCode pseudo-enum.
And that this could reduce readability of code i.o. improving it.

E.g. for a typical usage of an extended ErrorCode such as org.eclipse.triquetrum.processing.ErrorCode : in DefaultTaskProcessingBroker there is a line like :

      futResult.completeExceptionally(new ProcessingException(ErrorCode.TASK_UNHANDLED, "No service found for " + task, null));

I think this is quite readable, and better than e.g.

      futResult.completeExceptionally(new ProcessingException(ProcessingErrorCode.TASK_UNHANDLED, "No service found for " + task, null));

We could maybe start using static imports if we go for the specialized names? Then such code would become

    futResult.completeExceptionally(new ProcessingException(TASK_UNHANDLED, "No service found for " + task, null));

Personally I'm not fond of static imports, but I see many of our younger developers using them, so maybe I'm just a bit old-fashioned ;-)
What do you think?


Op 25/01/2016 om 20:44 schreef Christopher Brooks:
I've set up FindBugs, see

There are a bunch of warnings like, NM_SAME_SIMPLE_NAME_AS_SUPERCLASS, Priority: High

The class name org.eclipse.triquetrum.validation.ErrorCode shadows the simple name of the superclass org.eclipse.triquetrum.ErrorCode

This class has a simple name that is identical to that of its superclass, except that its superclass is in a different package (e.g., alpha.Foo extends beta.Foo). This can be exceptionally confusing, create lots of situations in which you have to look at import statements to resolve references and creates many opportunities to accidently define methods that do not override methods in their superclasses.

One fix would be to rename org.eclipse.triquetrum.validation.ErrorCode to org.eclipse.triquetrum.validation.ErrorCodeValidation or something.

Or, we could ignore it.

I've found that fixing as many FindBugs warnings as possible is really helpful because it makes the actual bugs standout.  The downside of fixing these bugs is that some of the changes are not natural.

What are your thoughts?

Christopher Brooks, PMP                       University of California
Academic Program Manager & Software Engineer  US Mail: 337 Cory Hall
CHESS/iCyPhy/Ptolemy/TerraSwarm               Berkeley, CA 94720-1774
cxh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 707.332.0670           (Office: 545Q Cory)

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