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[transformer-dev] Does anyone have a bash script for transforming classes/archives from EE 8 => EE 9 ?


Does anyone have a simple script for running the Eclipse Transformer against a class/archive for transforming from Jakarta EE 8 to EE 9? I was using [1] previously but that is pretty well out of date.

Basically, I just want to see if I hit ` duplicate entry: com/sun/ts/tests/servlet/api/jakarta_servlet/singlethreadmodel/STMClientServlet$ThreadClient$TestThread.class` failure that I mentioned hitting in WFLY-14014 [2].

This is part of transforming a test archive that is actually already EE 9. The input is from the Platform EE 9 TCK `servlet/pluggability/api/jakarta_servlet/singlethreadmodel/` test.



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