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Re: [transformer-dev] TomEE status with Eclipse Transformer

Hi David,
very good news for TomEE. Benefiting from new fixes will be great. The ASMifier seems very well fitted to check for transformation diffs. Thank-you for the idea.

On 6/11/20 1:10 PM, Jonathan Gallimore wrote:
Thanks for this David. I'll rebase my working copy today and get our other changes sent over as PRs.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:25 AM David Blevins <dblevins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Wanted to give everyone an update as to how we're getting along.

We are intending to have a release of TomEE 8 (javax) that uses the Eclipse Transformer to rename the server itself to jakarta packages.  At this point we have a server that boots and can serve JSP pages, which is pretty amazing.

We've been putting our changes into this repo, which we'll need to get rebased and some patches to you as soon as we can:


One of the tricks we've been using to analyze the results of the transformer is to use ASM's "ASMifier" capabilities to transform the bytecode into asm-java-code.  That allows us to grep through the output for potentially missed javax references.  We've been checking that asm-java-code into git which means that each time we make a fix to the transformer, we can then rerun the asmifier and see a diff.

Here's the diff where Jon fixed the outer class references:


I see Jean-François is hard at work catching a lot of the same bugs, so I've done my best to file the bugs we know of to save him and everyone time.  Jon knows a few more bugs that I don't so hopefully he can file those asap.

Great to see the burst of activity on this transformer!

David Blevins

Jonathan Gallimore

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