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Re: [tractusx-dev] Update TRG 5.05 - Aligning (more) standards Helm chart values.yaml

Hey together,


Maybe one question regarding Florian’s first point:
Use the root node as the level, where configurations for the service should be placed. E.g. some of our projects like the DTR put all the values for the service under a specific node in the values for the service. In case of the DTR it’s the `registry:` node (see [1]). This uneccessary additonal indentation level which brings in my eyes no further advantage.


How should we handle this in helm charts used for applications with frontend and backend? As puris we put everything into one chart and differentiated between frontend and backend. Trace-X used subcharts and used frontend and backend as alias in the dependencies. Feels like the trace-x way maybe is the better practice and should somehow be reflected?





From: tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Gurschler Evelyn, FG-222 via tractusx-dev
Sent: Monday, 4 March 2024 10:56
To: tractusx developer discussions <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Gurschler Evelyn, FG-222 <Evelyn.Gurschler@xxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [tractusx-dev] Update TRG 5.05 - Aligning (more) standards Helm chart values.yaml


Hi all,


It’s a quite comprehensive list already, here some additions:


  • Enable db connections to support nameOverride and fullNameOverrides of postgres dependency for instance by introduding functions in the `_helpers.tpl` as Florian already mentioned [1]
  • At the same time don’t set fullNameOverrides for dependcies in within the default values.yaml (especially in the case of umbrella charts unique labels (name) for dependencies are important and a fullnameOverride may lead to non-unique labels (at least if there are >1 fullnameOverride(s) in the umbrella).




Kind regards,



From: tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Florian Rusch via tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply to: tractusx developer discussions <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, 1. March 2024 at 11:35
To: tractusx developer discussions <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Florian Rusch <F.Rusch@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [tractusx-dev] Update TRG 5.05 - Aligning (more) standards Helm chart values.yaml


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Hello all together,


as someone who uses some of the different helm charts, I could suggest the following points for alignment:


  • Use the root node as the level, where configurations for the service should be placed. E.g. some of our projects like the DTR put all the values for the service under a specific node in the values for the service. In case of the DTR it’s the `registry:` node (see [1]). This uneccessary additonal indentation level which brings in my eyes no further advantage.
  • All configurations for dependencies (like databases etc) should be put unter the node, that is named like the alias of the dependency.
  • Aligned handling of environment variables: At the EDC I untroduced in the past the possibility to provide them directly as key-value pairs, via *KeyRef or by mounting directly secrets and configmaps (see [2]).
  • Usage of NetworkPolicies, HorizontalPodAutoscaler, ServiceMonitor (Gathering of Metrics via Prometheus)
  • Usage of Labels and annotations, as well as the “default” functions in the `_helpers.tpl` (see [3]) to ensure, that the same chart can be deployed multiple times in the same k8s namespace.
  • Introduce the usage of global configurations (see [4]) to make it easiert to configure multiple different services together in an umbrella helm chart.








Viele Grüße/Best regards 

Florian Rusch 
Senior DevSecOps Specialist 


cluetec GmbH 
Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 9 
76131 Karlsruhe | Deutschland 
Telefon: +49 721 83179-226 

Mobile: +49 160 996 856 80

F.Rusch@xxxxxxxxxx |

Geschäftsführer: Matthias Helferich, Thomas Rieger, Hermann Schäfer
Handelsregister: Mannheim HRB 109205, USt-ID-Nr.: DE213118929 




From: tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of carsten.lenz--- via tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, 1. March 2024 at 10:49
To: tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: carsten.lenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <carsten.lenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [tractusx-dev] Update TRG 5.05 - Aligning (more) standards Helm chart values.yaml

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Hey Community,


We’re thinking about to extend our existing TRG 5.05 – Chart Values [1] and align more defaults across existing Eclipse Tractus-X product Helm charts. As we as a community gained plenty of experience with Helm charts for quite some time now, I wanted to ask you for additional input what we could align of in this TRG to have the same settings across our Helm charts.


What comes into my mind (unordered list without precedence):


  • Database
    How to address internal (deployed with the Helm chart) and external DB.
  • IAM/IDP/Keykloak
    Would be nice to have a sane default?!
  • Ingress
    Having the same commented ingress block with possible application specific settings.
  • securityContex/resources/livenessProbe/readynessProbe/…


What do you think what would be worth to align on across all available Helm charts and add to TRG 5.05?



[1] TRG 5.05 – Chart Values


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards


Carsten Lenz

Senior Reliability Engineer


+49 160 8695992 | Carsten.lenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




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