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Re: [tractusx-dev] Potential change to "Notice for Docker image" TRG

Classification: Public


Hi Sebastian,


I am also in favor, if there is a guideline on how to do it exactly 😊


Best regards,






Mathias Brunkow Moser | Software Engineer Lead Consultant

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From: tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Gurschler Evelyn, FG-222 via tractusx-dev
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 1:47 PM
To: tractusx developer discussions <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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Subject: Re: [tractusx-dev] Potential change to "Notice for Docker image" TRG


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Hi Sebastian,


I’m in favor of having a dedicated notice file, it’s more transparent.


Kind regards,



From: tractusx-dev <tractusx-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of "sebastian.bezold--- via tractusx-dev" <tractusx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
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Date: Thursday, 18. January 2024 at 10:14
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Cc: "sebastian.bezold@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <sebastian.bezold@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [tractusx-dev] Potential change to "Notice for Docker image" TRG


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Hi all,


the Consortia System Team is currently thinking about a potential adjustment of our TRG 4.06 – Notice for docker images.


This TRG describes a necessary section with information about our container base images, that we provide in our repositories and also on our container image pages on DockerHub.

The notice section is currently allowed to be contained in either the top-level, or in a dedicated file, without any restrictions on where this file should be kept in the repo.


The potential change to the TRG, that I want to get your opinion on, before providing a change proposal is the following:


We want to ALWAYS have the Notice for docker image section in a DEDICATED file instead of the top-level

The top-level should still link the the notice (or notices in case you publish more than one image).


I see the following advantages in this:

  • A dedicated markdown file, that is pushed as DockerHub description can be much better adapted for the specific audience than the repo
    Only “how to use this image” instead of also “how to setup local repo” for example
  • Emphasis on important things like “use on your own risk” disclaimers are more prominent and don’t get lost in a long


So all in all, I think there would be some benefits, with only small amount of work for the repos that have their notice in the top-level


But what do you think? Does it make sense to make this mandatory by adapting the TRG?


Thanks for your feedback!



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