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[tractusx-dev] Committer Election for Paul Latzelsperger on Eclipse Tractus-X has started

A committer election for Paul Latzelsperger on project Eclipse Tractus-X
(automotive.tractusx) was started by Daniel Miehle with this criteria:

Paul Latzelsperger is one of the original creators of and earliest
contributors to the upstream Eclipse Dataspace Components project and has
contributed to and participated in that project avidly since.Across all
repositories, Paul has the most contributions in terms of commits.

In addition to contributing and maintaining the Connector project, Paul was
instrumental in establishing proper contribution guidelines, he authored the
`pr_etiquette` file as well as others, participates regularly in public Q&A
sessions of the EDC project. Much of the extended Dataspace Components, such
as the Minimum Viable Dataspace was in large parts designed and architected
by Paul.

Paul has been in regular contact with both Eclipse Foundation and OSSRH
regarding topics around building and publishing artifacts as well as general
topics around OpenSource collaboration. He knows how to configure the Eclipse
JIPP (Jenkins instance) and has experience with artefact signing there.

Further, Paul put in place a highly customized and modular build system in
the form of Gradle plugins, which take care of many tasks like automatic
documentation, building, adding default configurations and depenedencies,
publishing, etc.

Paul always adheres to open source rules (as per project regulations) such as
writing Decision Records and Code Reviews as formulates his commits in the
Conventional Commit format, which is enforced by the EDC project. Decision
Records are always structured in a comprehensible and clear way, code reviews
are short, technical and concise.

Assuming that Tractus-X is set to closely track the upstream EDC project,
both in functionality and procedure, we can expect that contributions in one
would naturally reflect on the other, either through eventually upstreaming
features, or through leveraging functionality that’s maintained in the

Eclipse Tractus-X project committers can click the election link below to



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