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[tracecompass-dev] Style properties minor changes in 2020-09


The following changes in the handling of some StyleProperties values in 2020-09 may affect users of Trace Compass that use styles in their data provider implementation:


For symbol markers (annotations) in time graph and xy chart, the implementation is changed so that the default value of 1.0f (normal element height) corresponds to a height equal to the item (row) height in a time graph, and the default symbol size (half-height of 4 pixels) in a xy chart.

For a time graph this is half the size of current implementation. Users that set the HEIGHT property should double the value to obtain the same symbol size.

For a xy chart the HEIGHT property was not supported yet in current implementation, except in the legend column where 1.0f corresponded to a symbol size of 1 pixel.


Arrows width is now set using the WIDTH property in pixels (default: 1). For backward compatibility, if and only if WIDTH is not set then the HEIGHT property is used where value 0.1f corresponds to an arrow width of 1 pixel, as in the current implementation.


For arrows and symbols, the COLOR property is still used as in the current implementation, however it is no longer necessary to also set the BACKGROUND_COLOR for the legend to work properly. The BACKGROUND_COLOR is still used to set the state color in a time graph.

These changes are already merged in the master branch.


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