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Re: [tracecompass-dev] [diamon-discuss] My experience on perf, CTF and TraceCompass, and some suggection.

Hi Wang,

Once again, thanks a lot for this *very* valuable feedback! A good tool should be able to help in real-world use cases, like the ones you described.

Right now, Trace Compass is focused on showing information on the time scale. Views like the Control Flow and Resource Views are useful when you want to look at a particular location of a trace, and want to know exactly what the system is doing. However, when you are looking at a large trace completely zoomed-out, it's not extremely useful. It should be able to point out the "points of interest" in this trace, where the user can then zoom in and make use of the time-scale views.

We've been having many discussions internally about adding views on a frequency scale, rather than a time scale. For example, a view that could aggregate the latency of system calls (or IRQ handlers, or IO operations, etc.), and show them either as a histogram or as a point cloud, so that it becomes easy to see the "outliers" of the distribution. The user could then click on these outliers to be brought to the location in the trace where they happened.

These frequency views could provide the missing step of identifying points of interest in a trace, after which the user could switch to the time-based views to examine the highlighted locations in more details.

I think such an approach could help in all 3 use cases you have presented. What do you think?

Also, for known domains like the Linux kernel, we can provide pre-made frequency statistics, like system call latencies per syscall type and so on. However it would be important to keep it customizable, since we can never predict all the use cases that the users will need. That would probably be added a bit later though.

We don't have a defined roadmap for the "frequency analysis" right now, but we will definitely try to have some working prototypes for our 1.0 release in June. I will keep you (and these mailing lists) posted!

Some more comments below.

On 01/31/2015 02:14 AM, Wang Nan wrote:
This is a gap in the definition of the analysis it seems. I don't remember implementing two types of "syscall" events in the perf analysis, so it should just be a matter of getting the exact event name and adding it to the list. I will take a look and keep you posted!

Finally I found the syscall which cause idle. However I need to write a
script to do statistics. TraceCompass itself is lack a mean to count
different events in my way.
Could you elaborate on this please? I agree the "Statistics" view in TC is severely lacking, we could be gathering and displaying much more information. The only question is what information would actually be useful.
I'd like to describe some cases of ad-hoc statisics, which I have to write python
scripts to do.

*First case: matching sys_enter and sys_exit*

The first case is to find the reason why most of CPUs are idle. From TraceCompass
resource view, I find some gray gaps for about 300us. During these gaps, there is only
1 running CPU, all other CPUs are idle. I can find the reason why a particular CPU
is idle using TraceCompass with following steps:

   1. In TraceCompass resource view, click the idle gap of that CPU, find next event
      with the 'Select Next Event' button, continous select next event until find
      a 'raw_syscalls:sys_exit' event, then by checking 'id' field I can find what syscall
      cause the CPU idle. (I have mentioned before, that in my case, each time when I click
      that button, I have to wait for 8 to 10 seconds for the trace table update so I can kown
      which event it is. This is painful for me...)

Yes, this was because the perf-CTF traces put all their content in one big packet. I think this is being worked on, right?

As for the missing system call names, we have opened about it. It should be possible to give knowledge of the id's to the analysis so that it makes it easier to identify the system call type.

   2. Then I need to find corresponding "raw_syscalls:sys_enter" event to see when the syscall
      is issued. I switch to control flow view then use 'Select Previous Event' to find it, then
      back to resource view I can understand how long this syscall takes, whether the CPU
      does some work or simply idle after the syscall is issued, and whether the task is scheduled
      across CPUs.

   3. For each CPU do step 1 and step 2.

In some high-end servers the number of cores may exceeds 100. Even in my case the number of traced
CPUs is 32. Doing such searching is time consuming. I have to write a python script to do that.
My result is: half of cores are waiting on different futexs, half of then are waiting on
pselect() (caused by sleep()).

*Second case: matching futex WAKE and WAIT*

Therefore the next case I'd like to share is to maching futex wait, futex wakeup and futex waken
events. This time TraceCompass can't help much. However, the python script is also not very easy
to design. I have to track CPU and process state transition by myself, match all futex sys_enter
and sys_exit events, consider different cases including FUTEX_WAKE before FUTEX_WAIT, failures,
timeout and compare retval of futex wake and the number of threads waken by it. This
disposable python script has 115 lines of code (I have to admit that I'm not a very good python
programmer), I create and debug it for serval hours.

My final result is: threads wakeup each other in a tree-like manner. The first futex WAKE command is
issued by the only running CPU, wakeup only one thread. It wakeups others, other wakeup more, finally
nearly all CPUs are wakenup. There are some threads get executed after a relative long time
after the corresponding futex WAKE command, even if there are idle CPUs at that time. Therefore we
should look into scheduler. However, the gap itself should be a normal phenomenon.

*Third case: device utilization*

We have a high-speed storage device, but writing to filesystems on it is not as fast as we expected.
I deploy serval tracepoints at device driver to track device activities. However, I have to create
some tools to draw cumulative curve and speed curve to find whether there is irregular idle. I use
gnuplot for ploting, but have to write another python script to extrace data. I think languages like
R should be useful in this case but I'm not familiary with it.


In this email I list 3 use cases related to Ad-Hoc statistics I mentioned earlier. Case 1 and 2 are
in fact not a statistics problem. They should be considered as query problems. I suspect case
1 and 2 can be expressed using SQL. If TraceCompass can provide a query language like SQL, we can quickly
find the information we need to know so will have more time for tuning. I expressed my SQL-like query
idea on one of my early email:

However I was not very sure the query problem we would meet.

Case 3 requires a plotting tool like gnuplot or R. I don't know whether TraceCompass designers want to
integrate such function, but at lease TraceCompass should export data for those tools.

Right now we use the SWTChart library ( for outputting graphs like the CPU Usage graph, the UST memory usage view, a prototype of the Histogram, and a couple others. We had also thought that we should provide an easy way to export the graphs, like right-click -> export to PNG/SVG, etc.

But internally, what we provide to SWTChart is basically an array of double's. So it should be easy to have an internal abstraction layer that can export either to an SWTChart view, or to a text file to be read by R or Gnuplot and so on, if such a feature is deemed useful.


In case 1 and 2, I spent a lot of time to analyze a phenomenon which is finally shown to be normal.
I think this should be common in real performance analysis and tuning tasks. Many ideas may
appear after the first trace is collected. I think tools like TraceCompass should consider a
way to reduce the cost of trials and error.

Thank you for reading this!

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