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Re: [tools-pmc] Candidates for termination

Hi Greg and fellow PMC members,

In light of PTP no longer having a Jekins instance to build on, I don't see how it can successfully complete the progress review that was scheduled to end last week.

Greg, in the summer you indicated if you didn't find time to update it you would recommend archiving the project. Based on your comment about the JIPP I assume we are at that point?

If so, Maria Teresa can you start the termination review. Note that this has knock on effects for EPP and indicates that will no longer have an "Eclipse IDE for Scientific Computing", this part is tracked in packaging #85


Jonah Graham (he/him)
Kichwa Coders

On Tue, 12 Sept 2023 at 15:30, Eclipse Management Office EMO via tools-pmc <tools-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all, 
following up on my previous email, the EMO has proceeded to schedule a termination review for the Eclipse MTJ project:
We won't be scheduling a termination review for Eclipse PTP. We have scheduled a progress review instead:
@Greg Watson thanks for stepping up, we can adjust the date to your convenience.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa Delgado

On Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 5:24 AM Greg Watson <g.watson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

PTP is not funded any more. I was going to try to get some time to bring it up to the latest versions of dependencies, but haven’t had the chance lately due to vacation and other commitments. As pointed out, there are still a lot of downloads of the Eclipse IDE for Scientific Computing so I’m inclined to say lets keep it for now and see if I can find some time to update it. If not we can archive the project.


On Aug 8, 2023, at 6:50 AM, Eclipse Management Office EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear PMC and project team(s),
based on the project activity, last commit and releases, the EMO has identified the following project(s) as candidate(s) for termination:

Any additional information you are able to provide regarding the status of the project(s) will be highly appreciated. Otherwise we'll proceed to schedule a termination review in the upcoming weeks.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa Delgado

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