All these things are of course transient and are not quite
When it's finished, in the next day or two, I will contact
Stéphane and ask him to test the builds results. if all goes
well, the commit will be commit into the actual DTP repository.
Then I expect to help DTP migrate to GitHub (or maybe we just do
that first), help set up a multi-branch pipeline build for it, and
help provide an Oomph setup so that DTP is more amenable to
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Re: [tools-pmc] [cross-project-issues-dev] Did the Data
Tools Platform Die?
Thanks for the reply! With the Mylyn chaos and EGit's
unsigned content latest week, I've been in fire fighting
Here's what I've been doing with DTP...
I've created an Oomph setup to automatically set up a
development environment with all the projects imported and
error free, organized into working sets:
Then I've been working on the Tycho build so that it
builds locally and free of warnings. I'm converting the
build to use a *.target file for better control of the
dependencies and I've integrated the JustJ update site
promotion tool to more easily produce update sites for
nightly, milestone, and release builds. I've deleted the
DEPRECATED stuff and all the *.nl projects because those
don't produce useful results and have not been shipped in
the p2 repository in ages. I've also been trying to
eliminate some of the easy-to-eliminate warnings not just
in the Tycho build but also in the code. So I now have a
vast number of changes:
I'm producing an update site structure like this one that
I helped produce for Mylyn:
I'm not sure how best to proceed. I think the review
process would likely be painfully-much work for you guys.
I also want to have the sense that I will not hit a brick
wall at some point...
One approach that I thought might work okay is if I
basically fork the repository in my personal github
account as a public repository and if I set up a build on
one of my other ci instances to produce an update site
with a nightly build based on the updated contents of this
forked git repository. I.e., build a completely
functional working prototype that would produce an update
site that you can test to confirm that it provides a build
result that is fully compatible with you guys' current
needs for DTP. When all looks good to go, I can delete
the working tree of the original repository and replace it
with the working tree of my clone, and commit this back to
the original repository.
My goal here is to make this is little work as
possible for you guys and to make this much more
maintainable in the future in terms of more easily
producing new builds with new 3rd party libraries and even
to encourage contribution.
One things that bothers me is all the x.y.z.102 of
version numbers on the bundles and features. How would
you guys feel about producing new x.y.(z+1).0 versions for
these things, e.g., 1.15.0? I assume that would not be
disruptive and that consumers are generally not using an
upper bound different from 2.0.0, right? I think this
would make for a significantly cleaner new baseline...
Please let me know your thoughts. I'm here to help, and
I'll help get this project migrated to GitHub as well...
On 04.05.2023 14:10, Stephane Bouchet wrote:
Hi Ed,
Yes, we've been very quiet for DTP, but still use
it on our side as a stable dependency.
I still can help to build a new version, review PRs
and so on, but nothing on 'real' development.
Moving to Github is a really great idea, and I can
give approval if something is needed on the foundation
So basically no new releases are scheduled, but any
willing contributions are greatly appreciated !
With Red Hat stepping back in other places, I
wonder if you will remain actively involved?
Things have been very, very quiet.
I'd like to migrate this project to GitHub, to
revamp the builds to be more regular (using
updated dependencies), to provide an Oomph setup
so that the project is more amenable to
contribution, and so on, so I need to understand
the outlook and the expectations for the project
On 28.04.2023 15:22, Jonah Graham wrote:
Hi Ed,
Have you tried reaching out to Jeff
Maury at RedHat privately? He was recently
PL (~18 months ago) and I thought he
had essentially revived it by doing the
first release in nearly 4 years.
Thanks to bringing it to the attention
of the PMC.