Hi Tools-pmc / or EMO as appropriate,
Alexander has been contributing a lot to AspectJ for the last while and the result is that AspectJ is looking in pretty good shape at the moment, having had their first release in many years this summer. AJDT on the other hand has not had a release for a while, and there are some critical bugs that prevent the existing releases from working with Eclipse IDE 2021-09 (See
Bug 575897 Comment 2 for which Alexander has a fix available on his GH fork)
On AJDT we have an unusual case here that Alexander has not done much on AJDT itself, so while this election is new I want to seek permission from the rest of the PMC to consider Alexander's contributions to AspectJ when considering his AJDT election. I see this as equivalent to the Eclipse PMC which IIUC allows committers on one project to be approved as a committer on a related project without the same level of requirements for commits. Is the Eclipse PMC policy published anywhere - can/should Tools PMC adopt a similar policy for interrelated projects?
Can I get a +1 from my fellow PMC/EMO members to approve the AJDT election assuming the committers approve it and that the AspectJ election is successful?