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RE: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin

See my comments below,


From: Schaefer, Doug [mailto:Doug.Schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 6:07 AM
To: Roy Ganor; anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Tools PMC mailing list
Subject: RE: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin


I was wondering what where the testers trying to do in Bugzilla that they need committer rights for?

They need to verify, close and reopen issues as part of the bug cycle.


BTW, Nick Boldt contributes to the build system which is checked into CVS. That's the only reason he has commit rights. I have a lot of people testing the CDT, raising bugs, supplying patches, etc. without making them committers.

I am not following you on this issue – do you imply that test operations are not counted as contributions? These guys have opened dozens of issues and verified, closed and reopened hundreds (months of work). Their contribution to the Eclipse PDT 2.0 (and Galileo) success is critical since our developers switched infrastructure and our QA made a significant regression testing. I think that recognizing our QA testers may lead to a better quality of Eclipse projects, and may fix the “use at your own risk” perception that is common in many other open source projects. To summarize my words, I just want to give them an easy way to work, I don’t really care if the Eclipse community doesn’t count them as contributors but at least we should give them the right tools as for now they use a “dummy” contributor which is a major issue that I want to fix (hey, I am only 2 months in this position, so I need to make small changesJ).

BTW – who verifies and closes bugs in your projects?


BTW2, you should join the tools-pmc mailing list so you can get immediate input on the discussions.



Thanks a lot,





From: Roy Ganor [mailto:roy@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2009 2:02 AM
To: anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Schaefer, Doug
Subject: FW: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin

Forwarding this message to Anthony as well,


- Roy


From: Roy Ganor
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 6:11 PM
To: 'Schaefer, Doug'; Tools PMC mailing list
Subject: RE: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin


Hi PMCs,


Well, these guys are very active testers who help a lot for the QA side of PDT 2.0 / PDT 2.1.

I asked Denis Roy specifically if there is a chance to give them permissions to Bugzilla (as testers) and he said no, you should nominate them as committers and give them permissions to Bugzilla only.


As you can see the community embraces them and they have many issues in their list, they are very active. Btw - I don’t see any problem with nominating people who improve the QUALITY of the project without actually contribute to it (this is the case with Nick Boldt who is helping to PDT packaging…)


Please direct me what to do (and you should consult with Denis how to solve these cases in general)


Thanks for the attention!

- Roy



From: Schaefer, Doug [mailto:Doug.Schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 5:10 PM
To: Tools PMC mailing list; Roy Ganor
Subject: RE: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin


Yes, These guys have a bad history of this. We have rejected committers before.


Roy, what's the story here?




From: tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tools-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anthony Hunter
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 9:43 AM
To: Tools PMC mailing list
Subject: Re: [tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin

Hi Team,

These two team members are strictly testers who have raised these Bugzillas against PDT. I guess we need to question their request for commit rights since they have not actually made any code contributions?

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Software Development Manager: Eclipse Open Source Components
IBM Rational Software: Aurora / GEF / GMF / Modeling Tools
Phone: 613-270-4613

Inactive hide details for emo---02/13/2009 12:02:09 AM---tools PMC Members, This automatically generated message marks the compemo---02/13/2009 12:02:09 AM---tools PMC Members, This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for


emo@xxxxxxxxxxx (portal on behalf of emo)




02/13/2009 12:02 AM


[tools-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Kalin

tools PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
Kalin's Committer status on the  component of the tools.pdt project. As a
PMC member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My
Foundation portal page:

Kalin was nominated by Roy Ganor as follows:
Kalin Arahangelov Yanev is a key player in the testing effort of PDT.
Kalin carries great responsibility in reporting the PDT team valuable

240283, 240295, 240305, 241065, 241106,  251046,  251190,  251233, 251509,
251522, 251525, 251840, 252757, 252930, 252935, 252957,252968, 253171,
253188, 253191, 253646, 253661, 253715, 253879, 253901,
253921,254420 254461,254577,254579,254580,254582,254730,254733,254740,25502

Vote summary: 5/0/0 with 6 not voting
 +1  Roy Ganor
  ?  Shalom Gibly
 +1  Gadi Goldbarg
  ?  Guy Gurfinkel
  ?  David Kelsey
  ?  Eden Klein
 +1  Seva Lapsha
  ?  Yaron Mazor
  ?  Alon Peled
 +1  Michael Spector
 +1  Keren Stern

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