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[tmf-dev] Committer nomination details


as my initial explanations for the nominations of the following three colleagues were insufficient,
I'm pleased to come up with hopefully better ones. 
Here they are:

Jan Köhnlein (itemis AG)
Has been a committer to the Xtext component before it came to eclipse. He's been working on Eclipse Modeling technology for several years now. 
He was the responsible architect of Gentleware's Apollo for Eclipse, which is a UML-Java roundtrip tool based on GMF and EMF, until he switched employer in January 08. For Xtext he already
fixed a lot of bugs and wrote some of the reference documentation. 

Peter Friese (itemis AG)
Peter has been a committer to Xtext before it came to Eclipse. He's been committing to open-source projects such as openArchitectureWare, AndroMDA and FindBugs for several years.
He also speaks about MDD and Eclipse at software conferences and in articles. Peter currently works on the Editor technology for Xtext and Xpand.

Dennis Hübner (itemis AG)
Dennis has been a committer to Xtext before it became an Eclipse component. 
He is very experienced with Eclipse Plug-In Development. For instance he's the architect of a generic EMF editor (a candidate for another contribution to eclipse).
He's working on the editor technology for Xtext.

Hopefully this time my explanations are good enough.

best regards,

Sven Efftinge

Phone: +49 431 5606335
Fax     :  +49 431 5606339
Mobile: +49 175 5274726

itemis AG
Schauenburgerstraße 116
24118 Kiel

Rechtlicher Hinweis:
Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 20621
Vorstand: Wolfgang Neuhaus, Jens Wagener, Dr. Georg Pietrek
Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Burkhard Igel(Vors.), Stephan Grollmann, Michael Neuhaus

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