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[tigerstripe-users] Tigerstripe 0.3 is out!

Title: Tigerstripe 0.3 is out!
Hi all,

After many months of effort and much code refactoring to open source the code, the first official release of Tigerstripe as an open-source Eclipse project is available.
Please visit to download it.

To get started
Follow these steps:

If you had been using a Milestone build or the RC you should be able to simply run an update against our update manager ( )

New and noteworthy
This release brings a number of bug fixes but also some new features. Some of the highlights below:
  • Generic Annotation Framework, allowing to annotate your models with any type of annotations that you’d define through an EMF ecore. Visit the tutorial section on our wiki for more details at
  • M0 Driven generation, i.e. Generate content out of instances the same way you are used to generate content from classes. See for more details
  • Tigerstripe was split into 3 main features (annotations, base and workbench) to allow for better adoption. As a result we have added more extension points to enable more customization
  • Improved UML2 Import/Export

More information can be found at
A complete list of addressed bugs and enhancements is provided from the download section (release notes).

Compatibility with last Commercial Release
From a modeling perspective, this release is compatible with the previous last commercial release of Tigerstripe: any model you had developed will load into this version, although some of the project descriptors will automatically be upgraded to the latest org.eclipse.tigerstripe.* namespace.
>From a generation perspective, unfortunately, since the whole code base was ported to org.eclipse.tigerstripe.* while the old code base was using com.tigerstripesoftware.*, you will need to update your generation code. Don’t hesitate to contact us through our mailing list should you need some assistance.

We have transferred the content of the old website into our new Wiki ( ). You will find tutorials, tips-n-tricks, FAQs and a number of other resources. We will keep building the content.

Bug Report
Should you encounter bugs in this release, please use this link to log a bug into Bugzilla:

The Tigerstripe Team

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