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[tigerstripe-users] Plugins/Generators.

I have just committed a M0 Generator Cartridge to CVS. This will generate an XML file from an instance diagram similar to that described in:
I will add some documentation for this to the web site over the next week or so, but thought it might be useful for people.
On a second point, I have been developing a POJO generation plug-in internally to Cisco and am wondering about how much interest there would be in this in Open Source. It is intended to be a pretty complete POJO based representation of a Tigerstripe model. It includes things like support for the visitor and observer patterns, referential integrity on associations (you set one end of an association and the other end gets set for you..), runtime checking of OCL annotations etc.. I am currently working on JPA/Hibernate annotation support using the new Tigerstripe annotation support to provide optimization hints.
It will take a quite a bit of effort to make it open source (vs. Cisco specific) and before undertaking this effort I wanted to gauge the interest of the community in this. Would it get used? Would it attract a community to help develop and test it?

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