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Re: [tigerstripe-dev] Selection Conversion concept

Hi Yuri,

Thanks for you quick response.... However... :-)

I removed the SelectionConverter and as expected annotations now do appear
in the UI (although not the ones defined for IModelComponent which is
"correct" from a TAF point of view!), but they are attached to Iresource or
IJavaElement. And this is to be expected since the Objects from the Explorer
are indeed IJavaElement, but they correspond to to IModelComponent. "I" know
that, how would the TAF know????

This is why the selection converter was a key here. Even further, when
selecting an EditPart on a diagram I need to map it to the corresponding
IModelComponent. There is no way around it.

So I NEED to be using the SelectionConverter all over the place, include in
the Explorer. Which means the problem is still there. That "adaptation" will
continue failing.


On 5/28/08 2:36 AM, "Yuri Strot" <yuri@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
>> From the Tigerstripe perspective, it is currently impossible to create
>> annotations on any Model Artifact as displayed in the Tigerstripe Explorer.
>> Here is what is going on:
>> When the user selects a Model Artifact from the Tigerstripe Explorer, the
>> selection is propagated as a usual ISelection to the TAF. The selection will
>> contain a ICompilationUnit as Tigerstripe Artifacts are stored in .java
>> files.
>> In fact, the Tigerstripe explorer is a PackageExplorer with changes to the
>> Label provider and the content provider.
>> The TAF routes this selection through all Selection Converters that may have
>> been registered to populate the Annotation properties view. In our case, we
>> have a TSModelSelectionConverter that will recognize the ICompilationUnit as
>> being a valid TS model component and return a "converted selection" to
>> IModelComponent. As a result, the URI is calculated correctly to be
>> "tigerstripe:/....".
> As I see, there are some misunderstanding of the Selection Conversion concept,
> so
> I'll try to explain it better.
> Selection Converter is an auxiliary component which help to convert
> *non-component*
> selection to *component* selection. For example, Java Editor using
> ITextSelection as
> every text document editor. To show annotations in the Java Editor we'll need
> to convert
> ITextSelection to java elements selection. We can't create annotation provider
> for
> ITextSelection, because it haven't URI. There is why we need to use Selection
> Converter
> which show as java elements by document selection.
> Converting ICompilationUnit to IModelComponent will be done with the framework
> automatically. So if there are all what TSModelSelectionConverter do, please
> remove it.
> --
> Best regards,
> Yuri Strot.
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