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Re: [threadx-dev] AzureRTOS GUIX Automatically changed version

Hi Juan Jose.

Thank you for your email. The information you summarised about the transition is correct. 

I am not sure what you mean by "forced upgrade". The sources for 6.3.0 are still available on GitHub, and you are, of course, free to continue to use that version. See this tag:

As an added benefit, since all the 6.x series releases are now available under the MIT license, you do not need to pay licensing fees in the future. 

I cannot comment on software pipelines that Microsoft would have maintained or operated prior to the open source transition outside of GitHub. If such pipelines exist, they have not been transferred to us, and we do not have any information about them. 

I am happy to meet with you to discuss this further if you wish. Just send me a direct email, and we will work something out.

Thank you for being a member of the ThreadX community.

Best Regards,


Senior Manager — Embedded and IoT | Eclipse Foundation

Mastodon: @fdesbiens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Wed, 15 May 2024 at 11:21, Juanjo Arín via threadx-dev <threadx-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Eclipse ThreadX Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek clarification on a recent development that has raised some concerns.
As a member of the Eclipse ThreadX community and a user of AzureRTOS GUIX 6.3, I was surprised to find that my software had been upgraded to Eclipse ThreadX 6.4 without my explicit consent or activation of automatic updates. While I understand that AzureRTOS has been integrated into Eclipse ThreadX, the lack of choice in maintaining my preferred version is concerning.
My primary concern revolves around the compatibility of this new version with existing frameworks and the potential impact on the 5-year support we offer for our devices. Ensuring compatibility with previous SSP versions is crucial for our operations.
I have been informed that the transition of Azure RTOS to open-source is complete, and the contribution of Azure RTOS to the Eclipse Foundation is also complete. The Eclipse ThreadX 6.4.1 release is now available, and the Eclipse ThreadX open-source project is now fully under the stewardship of the Eclipse Foundation. Furthermore, I understand that all the previous 6.x versions of Azure RTOS are also available under the MIT license, giving developers the flexibility to choose the version that best suits their needs.
While these developments are indeed exciting, I would appreciate it if you could confirm this information and provide further details on why this forced update occurred and what measures are in place to prevent similar situations in the future.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.
Best regards, JuanGlitch Member of Eclipse ThreadX


Juan Jose Arin Donoso

Departamento I+D



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