hi Wayne
Most of the activity related to OHF has moved elsewhere - either to
other eclipse projects (platform ones) or to OHT
(openhealthtools.org). I think that the only working projects are the
hl7 related ones of which I am the only remaining committer. I have
agreed to migrate them to OHT, but haven't yet done so - mostly a
question of finding the time to do it.
If there is other code still active in the OHF project - speak up now!
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 11:49 PM, Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There has been no commit activity in the OHF source code repository in
> more than a year. Recent (September 2011) questions on the newsgroup
> have gone unanswered. The project appears dead.
> Is it time to archive OHF?
> I have added OHF to the list of projects for potential termination in
> December 2011 [1]. If there are parts of OHF that need to be
> moved/saved, we can schedule a Restructuring Review to take care of
> those parts. That restructuring review can either occur ahead of the
> termination review or concurrent with it.
> Ultimately, we need to do the right thing by OHF and I am here to help
> you do that. Let me know how I can help.
> Wayne
> [1] http://wiki.eclipse.org/Technology/Subproject_Termination_Review_2011
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> The Eclipse Foundation
> Twitter: @waynebeaton
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> ohf-dev mailing list
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