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[technology-pmc] MAT dependency on IBM's vm.jar

Hello Technology PMC members,


I need some help to decide what to do with a newly introduced dependency in Memory Analyzer.


For one particular feature – triggering a heap dump from an IBM JVM – a new plugin in MAT is using the following packages/classes:*


Both are included in the vm.jar which is part of IBM JVMs (located in /jre/lib/vm.jar). Thus, this specific plugin (org.eclipse.mat.ibmdumps) needs to be compiled with an IBM JDK.

No classes from the IBM VM are included into our plugins, we just need them for compilation.

However, there is currently a bit strange compile procedure for CBI build ( because the IBM JVM available there is not recent enough for our needs. Because of this some MAT classes compiled with the IBM VM on a developer PC are checked-in in SVN, and the compilation is done against them (see comment 23 in Bug 229449


I have several questions:

1) Do we need to open a CQ for calling classes located in the vm.jar, part of IBM JDK

2) If a CQ is needed, is “works with” the proper type? – no IBM classes get included, IBM VM needed for compilation, IBM VM needed at runtime for this specific code to work

3) We are preparing for graduating out of the incubator state. If an eventual CQ is not ready by the time we would like to have our release review, then are we allowed to create the release if we do NOT include the specific plugin needing this dependency? MAT can work well without this plugin also.


Thank you in advance for giving me some hints!



Krum Tsvetkov
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