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[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Bjorn Gustafsson

technology PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
Bjorn Gustafsson's Committer status on the technology.epf project. As a PMC
member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My Foundation
portal page:

Bjorn Gustafsson was nominated by Chris Sibbald as follows:

I am nominating Bjorn Gustafsson to be a committer on the Eclipse Process
Framework Project.  Those of us on the EPF project are very familiar with
Bjorn as he has been active on the project for several years (pretty much
from the start).  For those that don't know Bjorn, here is a summary of his
contributions to EPF:

While involved in the EPF work Bjorn contributed the following items
amongst others:
- worked on bugzillas #200845, #227169, #202991. (There were many other
items that he worked on, but these were the ones that came up in my search)
- Been a regular on the weekly status calls.
- wrote the white paper 'OpenUP - The Best of Two Worlds' which is posted
on the EPF web site.
- Participated in Boulder face-to-face meeting, where he also presented
technology integration between EPF/OpenUP and ProjectKoach, a project
management tool he architected.

Going forward, his goal is to work on the project management and
environment disciplines content in EPF and be part of the overall
enablement effort to simplify adoption of EPF.


Vote summary: 7/0/0 with 19 not voting 
  +1  Steve Adolph
   ?  Scott Ambler
   ?  Chris Armstrong
  +1  Ricardo Balduino
   ?  Ken Clyne
   ?  Todd Fredrickson
   ?  Peter Haumer
   ?  Shashidhar Kannoori
   ?  Per Kroll
   ?  Phong Le
   ?  Kelvin Low
  +1  Bruce MacIsaac
  +1  Paulo Moreira
   ?  Nate Oster
  +1  Ana Pereira
   ?  Jim Ruehlin
   ?  Kurt Sand
  +1  Chris Sibbald
   ?  James Thario
   ?  Shilpa Toraskar
   ?  Kirtiwant Vaidya
   ?  Ben Williams
   ?  Jinhua Xi
   ?  Bingxue Xu
   ?  Charlie Yan
  +1  Onno van der Straaten

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