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Re: [technology-pmc] Top-Level Project for Memory Analyzer

Forgive me if there is some existing history that I am ignorant of, but have you considered including MAT under TPTP? It seems like a logical fit with the other performance tools there.


On Dec 21, 2009, at 1:01 PM, Wayne Beaton wrote:

You can stay. The original intent of the Technology project was to provide a home for incubating projects. With changes to the development process, that intent was lost and the Technology project has evolved accordingly.

I encourage you to spend some time thinking about whether or not MAT belongs somewhere else; perhaps Tools. If, at the end of that introspection, you want to stay in Technology, then we're very happy for you to stay.


Tsvetkov, Krum wrote:


We (Memory Analyzer committers, project technology.mat) are looking forward to 2010 and intend to graduate (or at least attempt to) from incubation to mature phase in the first half of the year.

We would like to stay in the Technology top-level project also in the mature phase (we have seen there are already several other projects that have done it).

So, our question is – is it fine the Memory Analyzer to stay under Technology also in the mature phase, or is there something that speaks against this?

Best Regards,


*Krum Tsvetkov*____*

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Wayne Beaton, The Eclipse Foundation

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