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[technology-pmc] Re: [aperi-dev] Re: Aperi Project status

Can somebody from Aperi please take a few moments to respond to Bjorn's questions?


Technology PMC

Bjorn Freeman-Benson wrote:
I found your email answer to Wayne interesting. Specifically I'm curious what you believe Aperi is providing to the greater Eclipse community? You stated that:

We have participated in some of the Eclipse venues but have not found a good size interest group in the storage management area so we do not plan to regularly participate in Planet Eclipse. Contact me if you think there is a significant interest in this area as we are always interested in expanding our community.

Since I see Eclipse as more than just a place for projects to have a CVS and Bugzilla, it's my personal opinion that Eclipse projects are obligated/should be involved in the Eclipse venues and efforts. For example, all Eclipse projects should be moving towards joining the annual release train; and they should be working to educate the rest of the Eclipse community about their area of expertise; and they should be working to integrate with the rest of the projects (for example, BIRT and DTP and TPTP have been great in that way, making use of each other's frameworks in mutually beneficial ways). After all, if a project is not involved in something more than just itself, then it's not really "part of" Eclipse and perhaps should be hosted at Google Code or Sourceforge or some other location, n'est pas?

Good you elaborate a bit on the connections between Aperi and "the greater Eclipse community"?

- Bjorn


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