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[technology-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Peter Kimlach

technology PMC Members,
This automatically generated message marks the completion of voting for
Peter Kimlach's Committer status on the technology.higgins project. As a
PMC member, you can approve or disapprove this vote through your My
Foundation portal page:

Peter Kimlach was nominated by Paul Trevithick as follows: 
Peter has been contributing to the development of the Higgins autobuild
scripts since his first post here d. He was
instrumental in contributing the build scripts that eventually led to our
successful 1.0M9 stable build. He is currently working on adding the stable
build to the downloads pages for 50+ Higgins Components.

Vote summary: 10/0/0 with 6 pending 
   ?  Duane Buss
   ?  Anthony Bussani
  +1  Greg Byrd
   ?  Andy Dale
  +1  Tom Doman
   ?  Thomas Gross
   ?  Andrew Hodgkinson
  +1  Valery Kokhan
  +1  Maxim Kopeyka
  +1  Sergey Lyakhov
   ?  Michael McIntosh
  +1  Mary Ruddy
  +1  Markus Sabadello
  +1  Daniel Sanders
  +1  Jim Sermersheim
  +1  Paul Trevithick

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