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[technology-pmc] Subversive - project organization proposal

Hello Technology PMC members,


As far as we are unable to distribute JavaHL client library from Eclipse server due to licensing, I want to formulate our proposal how to handle this.


Subversive project consists of a few features, some of them are required, i.e. Subversive will not work without them; and some are optional, i.e. provide optional integration with other plug-ins for example. Source code and binary distribution for those features, which have dependency from third-party libraries with incompatible license (according to Eclipse legal guidelines), will be located at, the rest features will be located at Main project home will be at, where we will create an update site, which join all Subversive features - all required and optional, located at and This configuration will be correctly described by special notice on the project page.


According to this proposal, an update site, which will be located at, include following features:



Required features:


SVN Team Provider –Subversive core implementation. Feature and its source code are located at Source code doesn’t have dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines.


Optional features:


Subversion clients (installation of one of the following Subversion clients is required):


JavaHL Subversion Client Implementation – Subversion client based on JavaHL. Feature and its source code are located at Source code has dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines (see discussion below).

SVNKit Subversion Client Implementation - Subversion client based on SVNKit. Feature and its source code are located at Source code has dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines (SVNKit library has EPL incompatible license).

JavaSVN Subversion Client Implementation - Subversion client based on JavaSVN (previous version of SVNKit). Feature and its source code are located at Source code has dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines (JavaSVN library has EPL incompatible license).


Integration with other plug-ins:


Subversive Integration for Mylyn project – integration with Mylyn. Feature and its source code are located at Source code doesn’t have dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines.

Subversive Integration for CSC ProjectSet project – integration with ProjectSet (, released with CPL license). Feature and its source code are located at Source code doesn’t have dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines.




JDT Ignore Extensions – feature useful for JDT. Feature and its source code are located at Source code doesn’t have dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines.

SVN Team Provides sources – source code for Subversive. Feature and its source code are located at Source code doesn’t have dependencies, which violate Eclipse guidelines.



If the project and update site will be organized by such way, then users can install all Subversive features in one step. The only problem is that we unable to define required default Subversion client, because all clients violate Eclipse guidelines, so are optional and distributed from But this situation can be handled by proper explanation in installation instructions.


What do you think about this proposal?



Another topic, which I want to discuss related with main goal for Subversive project. As we defined in our proposal, the main goal for Subversive is future inclusion into Eclipse distribution. At the current moment we identified problem related with licenses for Subversion client libraries, because none of them are compatible with Eclipse guidelines, which means that project can’t be included into the distribution. What you recommend to do? What is your vision for this topic?


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Mike Milinkovich [mailto:mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:45 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'; 'Technology PMC'
Cc: antonin.pokorny@xxxxxxxxxxxx; frank.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxx; 'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'; 'Janet Campbell'; 'Sharon Corbett'
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion




One additional clarification: as per the process, third party dependencies need to be vetted by your PMC. I’ve cc’d the Technology PMC above as an FYI, but you will need to discuss this with them.


Mike Milinkovich

Office: +1.613.224.9461 x228

Mobile: +1.613.220.3223



From: Janet Campbell [mailto:janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:57 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'; 'Sharon Corbett'
Cc: antonin.pokorny@xxxxxxxxxxxx; frank.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxx; 'Bjorn Freeman-Benson'; mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Hi Igor,


In light of the GPL content in the package you wish to distribute, we won’t be able to host the code on Eclipse’s servers.   We have reviewed the requirement however under our Third Party Dependency guidelines recently approved by the Board, and you have EMO approval to “pre-req” the code.  This means that the code would be hosted elsewhere and that the user would be prompted to download the code themselves.  Note that in doing the implementation, it is important that you prominently display the following notice: 


Please note that the use of the software you are about to access may be subject to third party terms and conditions and you are responsible for abiding by such terms and conditions.


If you have any additional questions, please let us know.


Best regards,


Janet Campbell

Phone:  +1.613.224.9461, x.229 (GMT -5)

Fax:  +1.613.224.5172


From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 11:45 AM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'; 'Janet Campbell'
Cc: antonin.pokorny@xxxxxxxxxxxx; frank.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Hello Sharon,


I want to mention also that Neon, which is supposed to be a part of libsvnjavahl-1.dll, has GPL License. So let’s define all licenses types, which help us to make a right decision.


Licenses list:


Subversion: CollabNet License

Apache Portable Runtime project: Apache License

Berkley DB: Oracle Open License

OpenSSL: Apache-style license (but at the same time there are references to GPL

Neon: GPL License

LibIntl: GPL License


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 6:01 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'; 'Janet Campbell'
Cc: antonin.pokorny@xxxxxxxxxxxx; frank.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Thanks Igor for your quick review and confirmation.


To recap our current status based on our emails and telephone calls over the last two days:  Your project requires the following third party packages:

§         Subversion 1.4.4 from Tigris (Collabnet) (specifically libsvnjavahl-1.dll and other native source code for wrappers) and the following external third party packages to Subversion:

§         Apache Portable Runtime project (libapr.dll, libapriconv.dll) – are parts of the  (CQ will be required)

§         Berkeley DB project (libdb44.dll) (CQ will be required)

§         OpenSSL (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll) – are parts of OpenSSL project, (CQ will be required)

§         Neon - (CQ will be required)

§         intl3_svn.dllGPL Licensed -


Since the intl3_svn.dll is GPL licensed only, it is not compatible with the EPL as we discussed this morning.  Therefore, I am copying Janet in order that we discuss next steps with her.




Sharon Corbett
Intellectual Property Analyst
Eclipse Foundation Inc.

Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232
Fax:  613-224-5172

From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 10:04 AM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Hello Sharon,


Yes, a Zip file which you referenced contains exactly the same version of intl3_svn.dll, which we include to the Subversive.

As far as I understand, a ZIP file distributed from Subversion site, contains patched version of original libintl, available here: This project comes with the GNU license (


It’s a pity, because this library is used only for multi-language support, i.e. not for the core functionality…


An update to my previous e-mail: I evaluated size of DLL files and not think that libsvnjavahl-1.dll contains not only\subversion-1.4.4\subversion\bindings\java\javahl\native, but also the other code from\subversion-1.4.4\subversion.


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:46 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Hi Igor:

Can you please check this URL and the following download and see if it relates to intl3_svn.dll.  The code in this zip file appears to be under GPL.


Zip File -





From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:58 AM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'
Cc: Pokorny, Antonin; 'Schroeder, Frank'
Subject: RE: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Hello Sharon,


I made a few investigations regarding the build process for Subversion. In particular I found useful discussion, which puts a light to the used external resources. In particular I found that some of DLL’s which we distribute, are parts of external projects, not the Subversion itself.


libapr.dll, libapriconv.dll – are parts of the Apache Portable Runtime project,

libdb44.dll – Is a Berkeley DB project,

libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll – are parts of OpenSSL project,


libsvnjavahl-1.dll – as far as I understand were built from\subversion-1.4.4\subversion\bindings\java\javahl\native, i.e. part of Subversion source code

intl3_svn.dll – as far as I understand is the Subversion itself, build from Subversion source code


Another topic – these libraries probably use other libraries, like for example Subversion (intl3_svn.dll) is supposed Neon library ( usage. It will be very hard to investigate all these dependencies simply because we don’t know how these libraries are organized and what external resources are used. What we should do with this? Let’s discuss in scope of the planned call.


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 11:15 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'
Subject: Further Questions Re: Subversion


Hi Igor:


I have a couple of outstanding questions regarding CQ 1597….In CQ 1542 you identified the following external libs:


#5. Subversion for Win32 DLL files, located at\
- intl3_svn.dll 
- libapr.dll, license:\\APR-LICENSE
- libapriconv.dll, license:\\APR-ICONV-LICENSE
- libaprutil.dll, license:\\APR-UTIL-LICENSE
- libdb44.dll, license:\\BDB-LICENSE
- libeay32.dll
- libsvnjavahl-1.dll, license:\\JAVAHL-LICENSE
- ssleay32.dll, license:\\OPENSSL-LICENSE

Can you please confirm that all the source code for each of the above are contained in the attachment you provided.  I am having trouble matching up the files with the source and am wondering if I need to gain distributions of these separately?  It seems that int13 is available on the Subversion website as a separate download?


Also, when I extracted the code provided for CQ 1597, I am having difficulty with the path you advised to pay attention to regarding native source code.

Generally you can start from that points:
*\subversion-1.4.4\subversion - native source code (for


If you feel it best we can have a quick Skype call again on Wednesday morning at 9 am again to discuss if easier.   Thanks for your help.



From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1:11 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'
Cc: 'Pokorny, Antonin'; 'Schroeder, Frank'; 'Janet Campbell'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hi Igor:


Thanks.  I’m working through the CQs right now and have just provided the “check into cvs” regarding the EPL portion of the code as attached on CQ 1542.  You will need to see “check into cvs” for each CQ before you can check the code into the Eclipse Repository.  We realize you are waiting on CQ 1597 as well and I will do my best to get some answers for you on this today/tomorrow as well but you will not be able to check the third party code from CQ 1597 into the repository until you see the “check into cvs”.


Sharon Corbett
Intellectual Property Analyst
Eclipse Foundation Inc.

Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232
Fax:  613-224-5172

From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 12:36 PM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'
Cc: 'Pokorny, Antonin'; 'Schroeder, Frank'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hello Sharon,


Thank you for detailed call summary.

I have performed required actions – please see CQ 1542, 1610, 1611, 1612. During the submission I got IPZilla error, which caused by problems with e-mail notifications sending, so I want to confirm task completion by this e-mail.


I have one question regarding CQ 1597. Do we need to wait this item marking by “check into CVS” in order to commit related binaries? For example, if you will accept our EPL contribution (CQ 1542) and other libraries (CQ 1610, 1611, 1612) soon, but CQ 1597 will be in pending state, can we transfer and commit entire project (including binaries from 1597) to the Eclipse repository?


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 4:45 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hi Igor:  Thanks for your time this morning.  As per our conversation, if you can help us with the following items that would be great:


Regarding CQ 1542 - EPL:

1.  Provide new attachment with EPL only code.  As soon as you do that, we can go ahead and provide the project with check into cvs status as your project is conforming to Incubation and as such is eligible for Parallel IP.  As discussed, we must review EPL code and Third Party Code separately which is the reason for the changes on this CQ.

2.  Then enter three new CQs as follows:

a.  One CQ for Javamail -  mail.api version 1.4 – no need to attach source code as you confirmed you have updated to this version we have approved for Eclipse

b.  One CQ for Javamail– activation.jar 1.1 – no need to attach source code as you confirmed you have updated to this version we have approved for Eclipse

c.  One CQ for SMTP.jar – I do not believe the source for this jar was reviewed with mail.api or activation.jar….therefore, please attach source code and application license and download information on this CQ. 

Regarding CQ 1597 – Third Party:

1.  Thank you for clarifying that your project requires only the native source for DLL’s as well as Java HL.  As we discussed, Subversion itself refers to other third party external libraries and provides code that indicates Ruby SWIG, Phyton, LibTool, Neon, etc may be contained in the code as well.  Therefore, I will take a look at the directories you have advised and try to determine if indeed any other third party packages to Subversion are in use and if so will need your help to determine if your project will need them for Eclipse distribution.  If it turns out that you will then, you will need to enter new CQs as applicable to cover those third party packages as well.  This will also help us determine if this package as well meets the check into cvs criteria.


Again, it was nice meeting you this morning.  Please feel free to contact me at any time if you would like to discuss any issues or have any questions.


Sharon Corbett
Intellectual Property Analyst
Eclipse Foundation Inc.

Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232
Fax:  613-224-5172

From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 8:33 AM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hello Sharon,


Thank you. I’m waiting for the call.


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:31 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Thanks.  I’ve just added you as a Skype Contact.  I’ll try the call on Skype at 9 am and see if the connection will be good for our purpose.


From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:26 AM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hello Sharon,


It will be good to have this call – it will be the most effective way to push things forward. Proposed time is OK for me, so I will wait for your call.


You can reach me by following phones:

+38-057-715-6584 (landline, Ukraine)

+38-050-149-6157 (my mobile, Ukraine)


I also use the Skype (name: i.vinnykov), so we can have a free Skype call instead of phone call.


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2007 7:46 PM
To: 'Igor Vinnykov'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hi Igor:


Thanks for your email.  Once again our apologies on the delay you have experienced.  I have just returned from vacation and have some questions relating to some of your responses on the applicable bugs concerning third party code and licenses.


Would you be available to have a telephone conversation with me so that together we can cover off all outstanding questions/issues in order to assist you in moving forward with this contribution as it pertains to the IP Process?  Are you available at 9 am EST tomorrow Tuesday, July 17th which I believe is 4 pm your time on Tuesday?  If so, please let me know which would be the best number to reach you on?


Sharon Corbett
Intellectual Property Analyst
Eclipse Foundation Inc.

Tel:  613-224-9461 ext. 232
Fax:  613-224-5172

From: Igor Vinnykov [mailto:igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:25 AM
To: 'Sharon Corbett'
Cc: 'Janet Campbell'; 'Anne Jacko'; Schroeder, Frank; 'Pokorny, Antonin'
Subject: RE: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hello Sharon,


I congratulate all of us with Eclipse 3.3 release. Does it mean that now you will have a time to work on the Subversive Parallel IP? I have updated our request and provided reference to used libraries. Do you have all required information now? Please let me know.


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov


From: Sharon Corbett [mailto:sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 5:31 PM
To: igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Janet Campbell'; 'Anne Jacko'
Subject: FW: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project


Hi Igor:  Our apologies.  We have been totally focused on Europa IP requests only.  As soon as the IP/Project Log reviews are completed for the release, we will return our focus to requests for Parallel IP.


Thanks for your patience.  We should be able to get back to you in a few days. 




Sharon Corbett

Intellectual Property Analyst

Eclipse Foundation Inc.




Begin forwarded message:


From: "Igor Vinnykov" <igor.vinnykov@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Date: June 6, 2007 6:47:08 AM PDT

Subject: Parallel IP Process for the Subversive project




Time ago I initiated IP process for the Subversive project by submitting item to IPZilla In this request I mentioned that we require parallel IP process. I got the response that from Eclipse point of view project conform requirements to start Parallel IP process.


Could you let us know what will be the next steps? As far as I understand from process description, we should wait preliminary approval for committing the source code to the repository. The actual question now – when we can expect to have it? It’s important to know, because we want to transfer project from its previous location at to the new location at the and make scheduled release. If by some reason we should wait for approval then we will make project release on previous location, otherwise it makes sense to do it on the Please let us know the status with approval, because we should update our plan accordingly.


Thank you.


Best regards,

Igor Vinnykov

Subversive Team


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