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[technology-pmc] Meeting minutes

Ward and I figured out that our calendars are totally screwed up. Mine's
telling me that the meeting is at 2pm edt. As I project out into the future,
I see that my calendar thinks the meeting is at 1pm after April 1st. So that
DST change screwed up our meetings. At least I assume that most folks tried
to dial in at 1pm edt. You did try to dial in, didn't you?

Ward and I discussed a few things.

Google Summer of Code

The Summer of Code is on again this year. I've already taken the first steps
to get the project reprovisioned (I asked Denis what I need to do); I'd like
to be ready to start as close to the beginning of May as possible. 

More Students

Carleton University is funding students participation in open source
projects this year. At least that's the plan, I haven't seen the finalized
version yet. The university has received funding for more than 100 students.
The plan is that each student will spend six weeks this year (and get $3000
for their efforts) and 12 weeks next year working on an open source project.
The wrinkle is that this is for students who are *entering first year*. 

To get a student, you need to be able to provide them with at least 2
hours/week of mentoring. They are required to provide their own computers
and their own work location. If it makes sense, they can come on location.

I'm planning to try and pick up a couple of them to help me do some
screencams for Europa. I'll try to teach them a thing or two as well to get
them excited about Eclipse. At very least, this is a good opportunity for us
to raise awareness of Eclipse inside the university.

We discussed some other things that have even less to do with the Technology
PMC than everything else listed above.

Chat with you all next week,

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation

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