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[technology-pmc] Re: Technology PMC project review

Brent -- I'd like to thank you on behalf of the Technology PMC for the effort you've put into VTP the last couple of weeks. It shows. Best regards. -- Ward

On Jan 30, 2006, at 5:48 PM, Bjorn Freeman-Benson wrote:

Dear Brent,

We, the Technology PMC, have been somewhat remiss in our duties as a PMC and have not been helping our sub-projects progress and flourish. We have made a commitment to ourselves and the community to be more active in 2006. As part of that greater activity, we are reviewing the Technology sub-projects one-by-one and have come to the Voice Tools Project.

First, congratulations on bringing Michael Greenawalt on board. One thing we hope to encourage is more cross-company collaboration. We notice his participation from conference call minutes and bugzilla logs.

But, second, we are unable to tell from the online record how the VTP develops software. For example, the mailing list has announcements of phone calls and minutes of phone calls, but almost no other discussions? Similarly, the newsgroup is similarly quiet. Could you explain to us what sorts of problems the project faces on a regular basis and how those problems are solved?

We've addressed this query to you as VTP lead. We would, of course, be happy to hear from others on the project. We thank you for your attention.

Ward, Bjorn and Wayne (and Cliff and John in absentia)

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